Monday, October 11, 2010

Searching Out New Leaders

I love our group, but one of the purposes of our group like our church is not to round the wagons & wait for Jesus to come back, but ultimately to grow & divide.  We should constantly be looking for new leaders to emerge w/a passion to teach, host & lead so that more folks can experience community like what we've found & more importantly to learn & grow in relationship to God through his amazing son Jesus.  That being said, I challenge you to grow and constantly ask yourself if you or someone you know is being groomed to teach, host or lead.

Teaching is not something that we are to enter into lightly as warned by Jesus' brother & 1st lead pastor @ the church in Jerusalem James, but is one of the most rewarding endeavors we can ascribe.  That being said, please check out this new material for life group that I've found.  Looks pretty interesting.  Let me know if anyone would be interested...

The Story of God, the Story of Us




  1. This sounds like an interesting read. I would be interested in doing a study on this.

