Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Sixth Sense

In chapter 5, Mind Reading Games, we're introduced to central characters Cole and Lynn Sear as Cole comes home from a day at school.  It doesn't take long to witness seemingly insignificantly extravagant lies that they both make up to tell each other as a rather unusual means of communication.  Despite how innocuous this interaction, it further serves to illuminate Cole's dissonance with other peoples when the scene concludes with his interaction with Dr. Crowe.  Our inability to honestly communicate with others and express feelings of fear, as in this case, only serve to alienate, disconnect, and torment us in silent seclusion from which Jesus bleed and died to redeem us from.

1 Peter 1:17-19

17 And if you call upon Him as [your] Father Who judges each one impartially according to what he does, [then] you should conduct yourselves with true reverence throughout the time of your temporary residence [on the earth, whether long or short].
18 You must know (recognize) that you were redeemed (ransomed) from the useless (fruitless) way of living inherited by tradition from [your] forefathers, not with corruptible things [such as] silver and gold,
19 But [you were purchased] with the precious blood of Christ (the Messiah), like that of a [sacrificial] lamb without blemish or spot.

Galatians 6:1-3

Brethren, if any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.
Bear (endure, carry) one another’s burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete what is lacking [in your obedience to it].
For if any person thinks himself to be somebody [too important to condescend to shoulder another’s load] when he is nobody [of superiority except in his own estimation], he deceives and deludes and cheats himself.
In chapter 10, Bedtime Stories and Secrets, Dr. Crowe makes a breakthrough with Cole.  It's when he lowers his guard and becomes honest with Cole that Cole is able to gain trust in him and reciprocate in like kind.  It's only when we become vulnerable, within safeguarded community, are we able to truly know and be known.  

1 Corinthians 13:11-13

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside.
12 For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God].
13 And so faith, hope, love abide [faith—conviction and belief respecting man’s relation to God and divine things; hope—joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love—true affection for God and man, growing out of God’s love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.
In chapter 17, Communication, we're left with a very different conversation between mother and son than the one that we were initially introduced the characters with.  If we can suspend our personal commentary as to the content of the conversation, we can at least see it as an honest attempt to connect between these two characters.  After all, it is truth revealed that leads us into a place of freedom to communicate without barriers and with a more genuine sense of connectivity.  

John 8:31-33

31 So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples.
32 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. 

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