Thursday, October 25, 2012

Spiritually Experience Movies

Most movie plots contain a lot more than the action, romance and comedy that line the surface. There are often moral lessons and spiritual symbolism that can be interpreted if the viewer watches the movie with the right mindset. If we are active instead of passive movie watchers, with our heart prepared for a direct revelation from God, then the $7.50 movie ticket would offer us so much more. Here are some tips on how to spiritually filter your movie-going experience:
[Pray] Before the film trailers, carve out a sanctuary. Ask God to show you something through the movie. Ask Him to protect you from any philosophies or language that might deceive you. Relax, get comfortable and put on your thinking cap.
[Weigh the good and the bad] Not everything the filmmakers have to say is going to line up with your “Christian worldview.” Be prepared to sort and file the information you take in.
[Look for symbolism] Often, screenwriters and cinematographers use colors, images, sounds, characters and dialogue that convey significance. Movies like “The Matrix,” and “The Sixth Sense” come to mind.
[Go deeper into the characters] Are there any characters with which you can relate? What would you do if you were in their shoes? The actors have worked very hard to create a character that runs deeper than their lines. Take the time to see the person.
[Discuss it] If you took a date, or watched with a friend, take advantage of the car ride home to discuss the movie, and what it meant to you. Get on the message boards the next day and start thinking out loud.
[Apply it] If the description of love in “Captain Correlli’s Mandolin,” or the concept of breaking man-made traditions to preserve your family’s happiness in “Fiddler on the Roof,” or the never ending battle between Good and Evil in “Star-Wars” tugged at your mind, then make it real. Live it out. Take note of it in the world around you.

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