Thursday, November 24, 2011

RICHARD CORLISS, Time Magazine, says:
But those who have seen Thornton as Karl Childers in Sling Blade can't get that face out of their bad dreams. The skin is celibate smooth, the eyes clamped shut to keep the demons out, or in. And when the pursed mouth opens, it speaks... of dreadful sins with Old Testament vengeance.
Karl Childers: Billy Bob Thornton,
Doyle Hargraves: Dwight Yoakam,
Charles Bushman: J.T. Walsh,
Vaughan Cunningham: John Ritter,
Frank Wheatley: Lucas Black,
Karl's father: Robert Duvall. 

Written and directed by Billy Bob Thornton.

Running time: 135 minutes.
Rated R (for strong language, including descriptions of violent and sexual behavior).
     Thornton spins a complex, yet simple story about a retarded man, who 25 years earlier killed his mother in a rage after finding her having sex with a very abusive man.

     Upon his release from a mental institution, Karl befriends Frank (Lucas Black), a fatherless boy whose kindly mother (Natalie Canerday) has shacked up with an abusive man, Doyle.  Doyle is wickedly portrayed by country legend Dwight Yoakam. Doyle drinks, lambasts his adoptive family and threatens others with physical violence.

     There is never much doubt about the Judgment Day event that concludes the story.  But getting there makes for a very compelling spiritual adventure.
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Karl carries books with him: the Bible, a book about Christmas, and a book on how to be a carpenter. Very interesting, I thought.
    When Karl meets the abusive Doyle for the first time, Doyle asks Karl about the books that Karl always carries with him.
     "What's all them books?"
     "Never mind. One of 'em's a Bible," replies Karl.
     "Do you believe in the Bible, Karl?"
     "Yes sir, a good deal of it."
     "I don't understand none of it.  This one beget that one and that one beget that one.  Beget.  Beget.  Lo and behold.  Just how retarded are you?"
     This dialogue represents a major shift in Hollywood.  Here the abusive bad guy is not also a religious Bible thumper.  Instead, the sympathetic character carries a Bible and believes in it.  This was rarely the case in Hollywood films just a few years ago.  Also, alcohol is not portrayed in a favorable light as it is linked to the abusive man.
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    Robert Duvall plays Karl's natural father, Mr. Childers.  Karl visits him, hoping to reconcile their relationship. The father ignores his son.  Childers had also secretly murdered his new born baby son (Karl's bother) years ago.  Watching this film causes one to wonder what real insanity is.  It's Childers and Doyle who are insane!  Both are abusive, cruel, heavy drinkers and they both reject Karl believing that he is insane. 
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     There are so many spiritual overtones in this film.  Karl meditates, goes to the high places and wants to be baptized.  He wants atonement.  A Pentecostal type of evangelical preacher baptizes him.   Again, Hollywood is respectful. This shift in attitude is amazing.  In the past, only Roman Catholics were portrayed seriously in film, never Evangelical Christians.  Evangelicals have been portrayed as hypocrites, money lovers and mentally unstable.  This welcomed shift can also be seen inThe Devil's AdvocateContact, and The Apostle.
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     I recommend this film highly.  The film's focus on Karl's spiritual journey is complex and very compelling.

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