Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Final Word...

The Evolution Of Sin Has Changed Our Lives And Communities

I'm not a fan of television these days.  Reality television...really?  There is nothing “real” when a person enhances their appearance and adjusts his or her personality for an audience.  I haven't watched television with any sort of regularity for around ten years.  The exception would be College football, and TVland.  Good ole' Andy Griffith...hey, now we can get a glimpse of what the good old days were all about.  White lies were a regular main ingredient in the script on the Andy Griffith show, but usually the truth came out at the end of the episode...sometimes. 

My House, circa 1980

Ecclesiastes 3

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,  a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

A Different Time, A Different Life,and A Different Community

1960 compared to 2011, hmmmm...I'd say those years aren't that different when considering the sin susceptibility of human kind.  It's the same old 1960 sin, but the evolved 2011 satanic methodology has changed our lives.  If we take the time, we can  rewind time like a DVD video and then we can see the difference with more clarity.   

Have you noticed that most modern homes do not have a functional front porch?  Only 20 to 30 years ago we watched out for our friends and neighbors, and they watched out for was the good old front porch era.  Folks seemed to care about other people's kids back then, and they had a hand in the discipline of other people's kids, to an extent.  The main interface of communication was the person to person conversation previous to the 90's.  When you wanted to say something to your neighbor you didn't text them because you could probably just yell it out the window....the older reader may remember that windows were open back then! 

An Increasingly Introverted Culture 

In these modern times; air conditioning, televisions, and video games have all but silenced the heartbeat of the American neighborhood.  Cute little communications devices such as the i-phone have made face to face conversation seem awkward...even unwanted.  The modern neighborhood looks abandoned because the way we interface with the world has changed. Nowadays people don't interact with others in their neighborhood like the families of the 50's, 60's, and 70's did. As a matter of fact, families don't even interact with their own kinsmen!  Due to modern times; a bad economy, and the ever changing ways of life, families are very much scattered.  Family reunions are now becoming by gone events.  Fear has driven us to keep our children indoors because we feel that we must hide our kids from the evil potential of the sexual maniac.  The non-parental supervised game of street football is nearly a bygone memory.  We can't let our kids ride their bikes down the street beyond our eyesight. ...  What a rip off, I had that freedom when I was a kid!

Advances in technology have changed the manner in which we relate to the community and world, thus America has eliminated the charm of the front porch.  Subtly, In the last 15 years or so, the family has encapsulated themselves within their personal forms of entertainment.  Musing has been swallowed by amusement probably because it takes less effort. Front porches are now crazy looking 4 foot while unlock the door rain shelters nowadays.  We've even retreated from the family room into our own individual bubbles of personal entertainment, and gadgetry. The dinner table has been replaced by the TV tray in front of your personal television. We continue to retreat further into our own little bubble.  The past 7 years has been anenormous step toward a personal entertainment world.  I hate that many modern kids don't have that privilege of near total outdoor freedom anymore, what a shame!  Nobody seems to care or notice. ...  Some wonder why their 10 year old is 120 pounds.  Well, ya know. ... 

Out Of The Darkness And In Your Face

Evolving sin has destroyed decent morality, and the dark adversary knows how to get to us...he is now rolling out his best master plan of all time.  We are becoming more and more closed off as a culture, so what satan has done is he's seized control of the social media and entertainment industry through the minds of the administrators therein.  Thus through the social communication and entertainment media, the evil one is also able to influence the politicians who govern humanity.  The world governing bodies allow the social media and entertainment industry to further promote tolerance of promiscuity and homosexual lifestyles. Traditional gender role life styles and modesty are laughed at and despised.  Sexual expression is badly warped, and it's nowhere near the marriage bed; as a matter of fact, conditions in this modern society resemble Sodom and Gomorrah.  What's currently rated PG now was rated R in 1985. The evil one has indeed succeeded in subduing modesty through the entertainment industry and popular culture! 

Casual sex discussions and sex play is a growing problem with the youth of America.  According to many reports, young children are increasingly likely to have participated in perverted conversations with children, or an older individual previous to their 11th is absolutely shocking!  I would never let my child have any free reign internet access, nor total freedom with a cell phone...ever!  My daughter begs me to get her a cell phone, but I've seen the trouble a cell phone can bring into a 9 to 13 years old's life.  Some of the things I hear kids talk about leave me speechless!  All youth's aren't subject to debauchery, but we are all human, thus we have that propensity to mess up!  I'd really think twice about cell phone use for kids.

  Kids 10 to 14 years old who have 24 hour communication access could potentially be receiving phone calls or participating in dirty little text conversations after bedtime. ...  What are parents thinking?  How can parents let their kids have cell access 24 hours a day...they will likely get a big shock one day!

Looking Back 

In 1980 our family watched television frequently, but we all watched the same television; however, I had much more outdoors freedom as a child than the majority of the kids today.  I remember the feel of the peddles on the bottom of my red clay stained bare feet as I rode up Giger Hill, and the sound of the wind as I streaked down the other side.  My three dogs would keep pace and follow me everywhere as I rode my bike.  My legs were skinny, but they were muscled with no blubber on them. ...  I could easily power through the sand and rugged ground on my bicycle.  I would actually wear the tread off of the tires of my bike!  I had outdoorsfreedom, but I knew it was time to come home when the deep orange sky would que the locusts to begin their shrill call in those Milton, Florida pine trees.  I remember popping a wheelie to ride up onto the front porch.  At the end of a busy afternoon I went inside to eat supper and watch the one television in the living room. 

The Re-birth Of A Godly Community

I say that we should give our kid's the outdoors freedom that they have been deprived of.  Most of us likely had the freedom to peddle out of sight and into our world of building forts and getting our school clothes dirty when we were kids, so why can't our kids do something similar?  If a neighborhood committee can be started to inform you that your mailbox is the wrong color, why can't parents in the neighborhood step outside and take a shift in watching the kids as they hit your end of the street?  For that matter, why do we stay inside all the time?  Light the grill, and burn a cow...let's all get to know each other! 

If you don't have many neighbors, at least get involved in, or find a church that has an outreach attitude and serve the community...I'm trying to work towards that now as a matter of fact.  As long as the denominations of the body of Christ believe that Jesus is Lord and the risen savior, then all Christ Followers should have enough common ground to face a lost and broken worldtogether.  We can restore community if we work together in the name of Jesus.  If we can restore community as the body of Christ, we can reach the unsaved! 

Posted by Thomas

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