Monday, June 4, 2012

The Sunset Limited (2011)

The Sunset Limited Poster

Two men in an apartment with their opposing beliefs.


Tommy Lee Jones


Cormac McCarthyCormac McCarthy (play)


 Nothing is ever black or white.


White: All right. I think the answer to your question is that the dialectic of the homily always presupposes a ground of evil.
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User Reviews

Superb, all-around...
13 February 2011 | by scooterdude17 (United States) – See all my reviews
Right off the bat, this movie is a great watch for anyone, no matter what they believe about life, death, or what's next. This movie does an amazing job of addressing theological philosophy without alienating anybody. These are things we all think about, whether or not we've come to any conclusions.

The acting and directing are terrific. Couldn't be better. The writing is good enough to make it worth reading the play by itself.

In the same way that a really good "sports movie" can be deeply moving to people who aren't exactly sports fans, this movie will be deeply moving to people who aren't necessarily into thinking about God, death, or the afterlife.

If you're wondering whether or not to watch, rent, or buy this movie; do it. It's worth it.

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