Monday, May 7, 2012

What will THE AVENGERS teach us?

There are so many places an Avengers movie could go, and so many “lessons” for each character to learn, it will be fascinating to see the narrative arc director Joss Whedon and his crew will focus on for the upcoming movie. Not only do we have the return of Loki and all the messages of fathers and sons, jealousy and pride inherent in the Thor film, we’re bringing together characters who, as Robert Downey Junior’s Tony Stark puts it delicately, “don’t play well with others”. That is, with the exception of Captain America’s Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), who is accustomed to a team from World War II. Perhaps that’s why the film’s two taglines are:
  • “Some Assembly Required”

  • “Every team needs a Captain”

If you’re not familiar with the narrative arcs inherent in the various players, be sure to read up on the films that have come before…

James Harleman

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