Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Talladega Nights: The Ballard of Ricky Bobby

I rarely laugh outloud at a movie, even when I think it’s hilarious. This movie had me in stitches, flaunting Nascar culture in all its “glory”, as well as depicting Christians I know all too well and revealing some very honest observations about the legacies handed from fathers to sons. In fact, Ricky’s dad is played by another actor from my old television favorite American Gothic, where he played the devil). I laughed so hard at Talledega, I hurt – seriously. This film mocks everyone, from small-town hick to effite intellectual. It’s not about laughing AT the characters. When you stop and think about it, you’re laughing with them because at least one of them is an amplified personification of you.

- James Harleman

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