Thursday, January 6, 2011

TRON’s Legacy isn’t deep, but appropriately playful

What were YOU expecting from TRON: Legacy? A cursory viewing of this sequel’s 1982 film predecessor, sporting half-baked yet fun ideas stretched across a kaleidoscope of imagery and loosely scrambled religious plot-points (with cameo by Pac-Man), offers a cult classic that’s cute but not innately thoughtful. I adore the first film, no doubt with a mix of nostalgia and art appreciation for what Steven Lisberger was striving for in 1982. If anyone criticizes the new film for being bright on imagery yet light on plot, they obviously wanted a drastic deviation in the franchise. (Example: you don’t go to your local car dealership, test drive a 2011 Mustang GT and then complain it didn’t have character exploration.) TRON: Legacy is a hero’s journey roller coaster with the tone of a theatrical, 3-D theme park.

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